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Heat pump vs air conditioner: Which is better for your Alberta home?

Take this 2-minute quiz to determine if a heat pump or air conditioner is a better fit for your home. Plus, you can stand a chance to win one of two $500 Visa Prepaid Cards!*
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How much do you know about regulated natural gas?

Take this 2-minute quiz to learn more about the benefits of regulated natural gas and why it exists.
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How energy efficient are you during the holidays?

Take this 2-minute quiz to find out if you're on the naughty or nice list.
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Should I choose a plug-in hybrid or fully electric vehicle?

Take this 2-minute quiz to find the right ride for you.
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Is my home suitable for solar?

Take this 2-minute quiz to find out if your home is a good fit for solar.
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What type of energy user are you?

Take this 2-minute quiz to discover your energy personality and find out how energy efficient you are at home.
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How smart is your home?

Take this 2-minute quiz to learn more about what it means to have a smart home and how it can benefit you.
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What are these charges on my energy bill?

Take this 2-minute quiz to see how well you understand your energy bill and the various charges that are on it.
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